What Is Your Business Worth?

For your company to be successful and even sell-able, there is a lot to consider:

  • Will our customers keep buying?
  • Will a new competitor chip away at our margins?
  • Will my company survive if I’m away for a while?

The Value Builder Score algorithm was formed from quantitative research from successful business owners that can help you to improve your business!

Take some time to fill out the value builder questionnaire and receive your value builder score out of 100.

You can then book a place onto our workshop where you will receive your 28-page Value Builder Report.


JDR Group

Why Attend The Power Up Workshop?


Increase Your Company Value

Using our Certified Value Builder, we can help you increase the value of your business by increasing your Value Builder Score.


Scale Your Business

As a part of the Value Builder Engagement, we can help you benchmark where you are at and construct a durable platform for growth.


Exit On Your Terms

With the Value Builder Engagement, we can help you to exit on your terms by deciding when the best time to sell is.



Your company is probably your largest asset.

It’s likely worth more than your house or your investment portfolio. But unlocking the value in your business can be tricky. For you to cash out, someone has to want to buy the company you’ve created.

That’s where The Value Builder Score comes in. The Value Builder Score is an assessment tool that allows you to see your company as a buyer would see it. Complete The Value Builder Score questionnaire and you will receive your overall score along with your performance on the eight key drivers of Value – each one of which is statistically proven to be important to buyers.

You can instantly get your score here. If you then decide to come to the workshop, we will present you with a full a detailed report which covers your score in each area of the 8 drivers in much more detail.

Built to sell

Creating a Business that can thrive without you

I am a multi award winning business owner and part of network of certified Value BuilderTM consultants across the globe. I’m committed to working with motivated individuals who have the desire to create wealth and freedom from their businesses, but just can’t seem to achieve both.

The Value Builder System was designed by John Warrillow, the author of the international bestseller, Built to Sell: Creating a Business That Can Thrive Without You. He also contributes regularly to Inc.com. In 2008, John was recognised by BtoB Magazine’s “Who’s Who” list as one of America’s most influential business-to-business marketers.


Learn More About The Value Builder System

Find Out

What Your business is Worth

If you’re like a lot of entrepreneurs, you assume the value of your company will be determined by your industry and its size. While size matters, there are actually seven other factors that impact the value of your company more than your industry. In fact, after analysing more than 30,000 businesses, The Value Builder System™ has discovered getting these seven factors right can lead to acquisition offers that are more than twice the industry average. Likewise, we have seen examples of companies getting less than half the industry average multiple because of a weakness in one or more of these seven areas. To see how your company scores, you can complete the Value Builder questionnaire and get a report on how you’re doing in each area.

Get My Score