Power Up Workshop

What You Will Learn:

  • How to recognise when you’ve fallen into The Owner’s Trap and the steps to take to pull yourself out;
  • The three attributes of a scalable business model;
  • The eight factors that drive the value of your business;
  • The one kind of revenue that can triple the value of your business;
  • The six forms of sustainable recurring revenue;
  • The two essential elements of your marketing plan you need in order to avoid commoditisation and costly price wars;
  • The one question you need to ask your customers to predict the likelihood that they will buy again in the future and refer you to

3 Steps To Help You

Increase The Value Of Your Business


Step 1

Reserve Your Place At
The Workshop

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Find out when our next workshop is and book your place.

Whether you are ready to sell, want to increase the value of your business for the future or want a more enjoyable business to run – this is the workshop for you!



Step 2

Get A Free Business

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Complete the 13-minute questionnaire and instantly get your Value Builder Score out of 100. Companies with a score of 80 + typically get offers that are 71% higher than average scoring businesses.



Step 3

Receive Your Custom 27
Page Report

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This is the MOST Valuable Report You’ll Ever Read — Guaranteed.

Along with the score, you will receive your results on all eight of the attributes that drive your Value Builder Score. The report will also break down the industry averages for these drivers.

The information you are provided with will help guide you in increasing the value of your business.

Meet yout host image

Meet Your Host

David Roberts

As a strategic marketing professional, winner of multiple nationally recognised awards for my business growth expertise, and teacher to business owners and executives across the UK, my understanding on all levels of your business, from organisation and planning, sales and marketing to the director, has propelled my unyielding passion to help you, the business owner, get what you want from your business!
Over the last 30 years, I have felt the pain to fail in business and likewise, the joys to succeed.  And these experiences have come together to help me, for more than a decade, help  business owners to help themselves survive, and thrive,  through difficult economic times by giving them the confidence to exploit new opportunities and generate breakthrough results just like I have.  By successfully guiding my clients, I confidently believe business owners today can have remarkable business growth balanced with an enjoyable and gratifying lifestyle, and taking professional realisations to a completely new level.  No matter your industry, my experience has covered  retailers, engineers, wholesalers, IT businesses, tradesmen and  service industries.



Your company is probably your largest asset.

It’s likely worth more than your house or your investment portfolio. But unlocking the value in your business can be tricky. For you to cash out, someone has to want to buy the company you’ve created.

That’s where The Value Builder Score comes in. The Value Builder Score is an assessment tool that allows you to see your company as a buyer would see it. Complete The Value Builder Score questionnaire and you will receive your overall score along with your performance on the eight key drivers of Value – each one of which is statistically proven to be important to buyers.

You can instantly get your score here. If you then decide to come to the workshop, we will present you with a full a detailed report which covers your score in each area of the 8 drivers in much more detail.