The Exclusive

Master Mind Group

As part of this exclusive Master mind group you will also have access to training, methods, tools, resources and all the support you need to get you to where you want to be… This includes the latest business growth strategies, success systems, advanced business techniques, new skillsets, expert advice from a qualified Value Builder™ consultant, myself, and the combined years of experience and wisdom of like-minded business leaders within your group.

With a maximum of 18 business professionals and only one industry type per group, your local Master Mind group is an exclusive, private and tightly knit forum of business professionals, each dedicated to helping one another to get to the next rung on their personal ladder to success.

Why Should You

Join The Master Mind Group

With a diverse mix of backgrounds, skills and achievements, there is always someone in the group that is already where you wish to be.

Each monthly ‘retreat’ covers a range of business and personal development topics with engaging workshops and key business building strategic planning sessions.

There is also a ‘meeting of minds’ during the confidential boardroom forum sessions whereby every member has the opportunity to table their issues, problems and challenges. The remaining members then contribute objective solutions based on their own experiences and know-how in an honest, friendly and productive environment. It is a powerful, positive and highly valuable session for all.

Value Builder Engagement

Master Mind Group Benefits

There are many broader benefits that you will enjoy as a member of the Value Builder Engagement Master Mind Group.

  1. Access to an invaluable community of like-minded colleagues and entrepreneurs who will challenge, encourage and help you to reach your ambitions.
  2. Assistance in identifying and acquiring the tools, strategies and resources you need to get you to achieve what you want, when you want it.
  3. Help you to individually and collectively make a positive difference, not only to your business, but to your life and community.

You will be rewarded with results that are not only commensurate but far in excess of what you put in… Such is the power and the leverage of being part of a collaborative group.

By making the commitment to be focused, determined and to implement the strategies and feedback you are offered at every meeting, you cannot help but progress at a far greater rate.

And of course, you will have fun and enjoy the camaraderie and support of new colleagues and friends.


In A Nutshell

A Monthly Business Retreat

A structured, exhilarating and full day dedicated to working on advancing your business and that of each individual member.

The ‘Boardroom Forum’

Members working together as a virtual non-executive board of directors. Feedback and solutions to assist with each others individual business challenges, opportunities and to inspire personal success.

Knowledge & New Skills

Monthly presentations and workshops with guest speakers and experts providing advanced methods, strategies and techniques in marketing, performance, development and more.

Advanced Business Methods

Training, coaching and practical application in the skills and techniques of capital producing activities.

Coaching & Mentoring

Personal one-to-one high performance coaching each month with a qualified Value Builder™ consultant

Online Professional Resources

A members-only exclusive online library and vault of powerful business development tools and resources.

Ongoing Support

Access to the qualified Value Builder™ consultant for assistance, advice and support.

Book onto the workshop today and get your free valuation!

Find Out

What Your business is Worth

If you’re like a lot of entrepreneurs, you assume the value of your company will be determined by your industry and its size. While size matters, there are actually seven other factors that impact the value of your company more than your industry. In fact, after analysing more than 30,000 businesses, The Value Builder System™ has discovered getting these seven factors right can lead to acquisition offers that are more than twice the industry average. Likewise, we have seen examples of companies getting less than half the industry average multiple because of a weakness in one or more of these seven areas. To see how your company scores, you can complete the Value Builder questionnaire and get a report on how you’re doing in each area.

Get My Score